Adam and Eve: Haruki Murakami

3 min readMar 20, 2023


In a sleepy corner of a parallel world, where time seemed to linger and the sun had a peculiar shade of tangerine, there lived a celestial being named the Creator. He was a jazz aficionado, and like a skilled maestro, he had conducted an orchestra of cosmic events to form a little planet called Earth. This was his workshop, where he spent his days sculpting and crafting life from the very essence of existence.

One day, as Miles Davis played softly in the background, the Creator got a brilliant idea. He wanted to create beings that were unlike anything he had ever made before. With a patient and practiced hand, he formed a man out of the earth’s clay. He named him Adam. Adam was a peculiar creature, with a penchant for deep thoughts and a love for the obscure novels the Creator had scattered around the workshop.

With the first taste of loneliness, Adam discovered a void in his heart that neither books nor thoughts could fill. The Creator, ever empathetic to the whims of his creation, decided to mold a partner for Adam. He took one of Adam’s ribs, and under the pale moonlight, he created Eve. She had a magnetic aura, and her laughter was like the tinkling of wind chimes on a breezy summer evening. Together, they roamed the Eden that the Creator had designed just for them, a place where the scent of lavender lingered in the air and cats spoke in hushed whispers.

In the heart of Eden stood the Tree of Knowledge. The Creator, in his infinite wisdom, had planted it there as a test. He told Adam and Eve they could savor all the fruits in the garden, except the ones that grew on that particular tree. “For if you eat of its fruit,” he warned, “you will know the harsh duality of life, and you will never be the same.”

As days rolled into nights, Adam and Eve grew more curious about the forbidden fruit. Their dreams were filled with its tantalizing allure, and they couldn’t help but wonder what secrets it held. It was then that a mysterious black cat appeared, its eyes like two sparkling galaxies in the twilight. The cat told them about the fruit’s power to unlock the universe’s secrets, to see beyond the veil of their idyllic existence. The cat’s words planted a seed of doubt in their minds, and the allure of the forbidden fruit grew stronger.

One fateful day, the sun dipped below the horizon, and the world was bathed in an eerie twilight. Adam and Eve approached the Tree of Knowledge, the air around them thick with anticipation. With trembling hands, they plucked the fruit and took a hesitant bite. A surge of knowledge and understanding washed over them, but it was accompanied by the crushing weight of guilt, shame, and loss.

The Creator, his heart heavy with disappointment, knew that Adam and Eve could no longer remain in the paradise he had built for them. As they left Eden, they felt the cold winds of reality for the first time, but within them, there was a flicker of hope — a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

In the years that followed, the world around them changed, much like the notes of a jazz composition. But as the descendants of Adam and Eve traversed through the labyrinth of life, they carried with them the memory of a simpler time, of a paradise lost, and the enigmatic black cat that had forever altered the course of their destiny.




Written by GanWeaving

Exploring the latent space in all its forms.

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